
Re-created in time for the Fukuoka Japan Trip.Stay tuned for Daily updates from 7th Dec to 15th Dec

About me

NAME: AlanRaj
STATUS: Single
CAREER: Singapore Poly Architecture
D.O.B: Oct 02
NATIONALITY: Singaporean
ETHNICITY: Asian (Indian)
RELIGION: Christian


Designer: NAT
Coding: Manikka
Re-Designed by:AlanRaj

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
So here is the article that i read, some non-christians and christians approached me regarding this rumour/fact regarding this movie, read the article and see what i have to say....

THE ARCTICLE FROM THE CCTV (The Christian Congress for Traditional Values)

The CCTV is warning movie-goers to avoid watching the Golden Compass.
In particular, parents are warned that this is not suitable for children because of its anti-Christian themes.
The Golden Compass is the first instalment of Philip Pullman’s books entitled, “His Dark Materials”.
Although the film is a watered down version of Pullman’s writing, it promotes atheism to children by stealth and contains strong anti-Christian content. The official website for The Golden Compass includes a section on ‘Daemons’:
“In Lyra’s world, a person’s soul lives on the outside of their body, in the form of a daemon – an animal spirit that accompanies them through life. … In our world, it is possible that people have daemons as well, only they are invisible. If you would like to learn more about your daemon, and create a daemon avatar to take out into the world with you select ‘Meet your Daemon’.”
Philip Pullman, a proclaimed atheist, is quoted in the Washington Post as saying, “I'm trying to undermine the basis of Christian belief". He also added, C.S. Lewis, the Christian author of Chronicles of Narnia, would describe his books as the “Devil's work."
Pullman has said his books “are about killing God”.
Parents are encouraged to boycott this film and should avoid buying the books for their children. The books and the film contain anti-God and anti-Christian themes.


Here's my take on this whole situation.Seriously, its a cartoon.Yeah, its has some themes that might well get on your nerves.The same treatment was given to Harry Potter.People, hear me now, loud and clear.By watching the Harry Potter Movie i am not going to start casting spells and bewitching people the next day.I am also not going to believe in DAEMONS or GOLDEN COMPASSES by watching a novel,book or even a myth or legend protrayed on film.

Go watch the movie.Yes, you heard me right...GO WATCH IT. If you still wanna argue, lets use your same theology with life shall we.The theology of labelling things Anti-Christ and staying away from it.Parents, the safest things for your kids is then not to send them out anymore, some strangers are atheists and antichrist.Or better still lock them up at home, in a room with no windows, since i have seen some symbols being labelled anti-christ,posters,advertisements or even your next door neighbour peering through.Seclude yourselfs from the world! Wait till Christ returns and start opening the doors for ya....which eventually wont happen.

So yeah, movies are movies, actors are actors, dramas are dramas. If a person acts as slut,killer or rapist in a movie...he or she is not in real life.Doesnt matter if that person is a monk,priest or pastor.It doesnt change the fact that the person acted.So...here it was...my little take on the Anit-Christ Movie Movement.

**By the way, to people who keep asking me what the inverted cross stands for.Some people think its a weak point for me as a Christian or just ask me because they have nothing better to do, so here it is...a little history. The Inverted Cross , maybe used for Satanic believes...but its just the way Peter died, being crucified upside down.

Here is the link - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverted_cross

Here are some other movies that were labelled Anti-Christian.What the Heck huh? -->









and much much more....just stop bothering me with what is a Christian movie or what in anti-Christian.


Friday, November 9, 2007
IT was the first day of the show Fight Club, everything went well and according to plan and i felt everyone did an awesome job.So when i went backstage and saw i note on my bag, i thought it was a joke done by Derrick.So i shouted, Derrick, why did you write 'Stop Standing at The Fucking Front'. ( This was kinda like a in-prompt-to and a more of react to others show, so u get to choose where to stand and stuff, it has to be random- ORGANSIED CHAOS). Derrick was in the toilet, he did not hear it but others did (Whoops, here come the gossips).When Derrick came out....he was like...Alan....How can you say i wrote that....i had to explain to him i thought it was a joke.

So what was it?I started pondering...if it wasnt Derrick who could it be.First from a Joke, i started to fear this message.Does somebody wanna kill me...Should i protect myself....Maye i should have bodyguards. So i started focusing on what this person might do to me, what rumors he might spread and stuff...just because i landed in front of the stage on certain timings.

My natural reaction is to pray, and God has a very practical way of dealing with you.So it dawned upon me, call it a Revelation...or call it God's Voice, i dont mind...Gos shifted my focus to the message again...mymy....why God why...but i had to think of what the message actually meant again.I recalled it word by word.

My natural reaction as a studying Architect to be was to plot out a stage (plan view) and I started putting where i was standing at every minute, from what i could remember.And my GOSH....the HORRORS....i was standing right at the front almost 60% to 70% of the time.This person (even though he/she was crude) was actually right! Even though he had to use such a tactic to get my attention he/she was RIGHT!, although it would have been nice if he/she told me face to face politely.So yeah, mysterious person, thanks for telling me about it, i was unconsciously doing it and you pointed it out.So yeah, i am not afraid of a person trying to stalk or kill me...or am i going to find the prankster who might have put it there.Rather i know what to do on the second run.Different people have different ways of putting their message across and i totally understand that.

**And i am so sure people are going to ask about this incident today.lol

GOGOGO! For our second Night today.All the Best!

Seeya Tonight!

Saturday, November 3, 2007
From TAGBOX - You've been tagged!!! Now give 5 material desires and tag 5 other people. Haha! Refer my blog for the entry

Erm, a tag now is it, sorry Jennifer…had to post this a few days later. So here is my 5 material desires, anyone and everyone can fulfill this wish listJ

1)2 year Subscription to Time Magazine.

I need something to read, and seriously I love reading time, sadly I don’t have the money, actually I would be satisfied with a one year subscription too.


Bugs in the cupboard destroy your shirts. I seriously do not know how they get there, and they destroyed have my t-shirts in the process…I need new ones. Anything bright and plain from Giordano or Bossini or cool T-Shirts with designs from Top-Man will do.

3)Leather or Denim Jacket

I lost my jacket during one of the Easter or Christmas Rehearsal and it never came back.BooHoo me.And I still do not have one!I love the look,feel and style of Denim or Leather Jackets.It just fits meJ And I wanna it NOW.lol

4)Pants that look like these

I know the models are gurls but heck. I want these pants.Just make to fit a guy. I would love something similar to these!

5) Sony Ericsson W910i

What can I say, I lost my handphone and is still in need of one.This would be a great GIFT for me!
And here are the 5 lucky tagged people!
1)Cute Titus - From the Ricks and Rahj Show
2)Lizzie - O level Superbabe
3)Caleb - Spiritual Thunderbird (Sounds Cool Hor)

ATHENS, Sept 3 (Reuters) - Eleven cities have submitted bids to host the first edition of the Youth Olympics in 2010........The candidate cities for 2010 are Algiers, Athens, Bangkok, Belgrade, Debrecen, Guatemala City, Kuala Lumpur, Moscow, Poznan, Singapore and Turin, the IOC said in a statement.
The first host city will be decided next February.

Oh my gosh!, we have decided to bid for the Youth Olympics.Amen and Gambate to the Youth Olympic Team.Well, Singapore is and one or is the best location for the Youth Olympics.We have the infrastructure,security and all.

Singapore’s bid is based on the nation’s capabilities to host the inaugural YOG and covers 15 themes, as required by the International Olympic Committee. These include: concept and legacy; sports and venues; the Youth Olympic Village; education and culture; marketing; political and economic climate and structure; legal aspects; customs and immigration formalities; finance; medical services and doping control; security; accommodation; transport; technology; and media operations.

Here's the Singapore 2010 Bid Video

Support the Singapore 2010 Bid with your Blog!Add this to your blog till we are shortlisted!