
Re-created in time for the Fukuoka Japan Trip.Stay tuned for Daily updates from 7th Dec to 15th Dec

About me

NAME: AlanRaj
STATUS: Single
CAREER: Singapore Poly Architecture
D.O.B: Oct 02
NATIONALITY: Singaporean
ETHNICITY: Asian (Indian)
RELIGION: Christian


Designer: NAT
Coding: Manikka
Re-Designed by:AlanRaj

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Sushi Ya

Japanese Tradition Sushi
by bob75

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Picture taken from CNA Website

No one can ever understand or explain some of the atrocities radical terrorists do in the name of God. Today, Mumbai wakes to find its city in shambles and terror as Bombs and coordinated attacks went off in almost 9 places. The Taja and Oberoi Hotels were overtaken and the people taken hostages.Gunmen opened fire at anyone who stood in their way and many people lost their life.I just got news that a Singaporean is one of the hostages in the hotels.I pray that this massacre of innocent people will stop as it is and the remaining people who are alive to make it out alive.

''A group calling itself the "Deccan Mujahedeen" claimed responsibility for the attacks late Wednesday night on the Taj Mahal and Oberoi Trident hotels, and eight other locations, including the main train station, a hospital and an up-market restaurant. Maharashtra state's Director General of Police A N Roy said around 100 people were killed in the precisely targeted assaults by small groups of gunmen armed with AK-47s and grenades that began around 10.30 pm (1700 GMT).

Paragraph taken from CNA Website

I wanted to blog about the accomodation in Japan today, but the first news i heard was that a Japanese Tourist was killed in the attacks and that just destroyed my mood completely.Now its a Singaporean Hostage in the hands of the terrorists.....I pray that the commandos and special forces will be able to kill/capture those terrorists as fast as possible. My deepest condolences to all who lost their lives this fateful day.


Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Hey People,

Its interesting how many people actually met me out and about and have asked me why i havent updated this stupid blog of mine.I needed a push of some sort, to start writing again and here it is.


I will be heading to the Kumamoto Region , Fukuoka Japan real soon.I will be Staying in ANCT student hostel for all the days except the last.

This is the school website - http://www.ariake-nct.ac.jp/etopnew.shtml

The team that i going am with is a potent lot with talent steaming out of their ears.There are an enjoyable bunch whom with i instantly clicked.Let's see, Cheeryl is the most excited and jumpy one while William and Lingz are very good with their dance steps. Grace and Jia Wen have leadership qualities while most of the other guys (Gabriel and Stanley) just love to talk about current events and politics. I so love that! Also..Desmond is an amazing graphic designer, yet so low esteem.Desmond! You are good...really good...stop worrying...the banner you made for the Fukuoka Trip is fantabulous! Germaine is my junior in Architecture school and is good with design too, and she can play the violin! The other gurls can sing really well! And Happy Birthday to my buddy Stanley, u rock dude!

Oh well, so we gave ourselves a wacky name yeah. We are now known as the Sashimi Parade and our motto is 'Raw Randomness'. Oh well, when you place 12 ultimately talented and wacky people together, you get these typa names.

We have to do a small variety performance, culturally relevant to Singapore in the school when we are there.So practices and Exam week have clashed yet they are faithfully attending practices which is totally awesome!! Dont worry guys, we will put up a great show...

We will be flying off on 6th Dec Night and we will be back on the 15th Dec.The itinery is pretty interesting so i know i am going to enjoy myself.Well, since i have a blog and will have internet access in Japan.I will blog every night of my daily travel and you can follow me on my journey right here on my blog.

Well just wait up for more posts and all.See ya people, back to my school work or to bed...hmmm..lets see which one is closer to me.

Oyasuminasai :)